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Raising Globally-Minded Children in Your Own Home

13 Simple Ways to Explore the World from Your Couch

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Show your children the world without leaving your town

Our children will inherit a far more diverse and interconnected world than the one we live in today. Globalization is rapidly deepening international connections in business, technology, politics, science, security, entertainment, and beyond. However, the United States continues to fall behind, failing to raise a new generation of globally-competent citizens. That's why many parents are taking it upon themselves to prepare their children for this increasingly globalized world. But that undertaking does not have to feel like a burden. In fact, it can, and should, be fun! In this eBook, we explore thirteen ways to raise globally-minded children, from the comfort of your own home, including:

  • Exploring your own heritage
  • Eating foreign foods
  • Writing to an international pen pal
  • Learning a new language
  • And more!

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