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CL-150 Cohorts

Ensure your personnel maintain language proficiency and regional expertise with CL-150 Cohort weekly lesson streams.

See a Sample Lesson
*CL-150 Cohorts are only available to active CL-150 users. Contact us to discuss access.
See Cohort lessons in action!

Make sustainment a routine with weekly authentic lessons at level.

  • Current, relevant lessons:
    All lessons are based on authentic sources covering domains of interest to USG personnel, including politics, technology, and security. See a sample lesson.
  • Independent or structured:
    Dispersed personnel can complete Cohort lessons anytime, anywhere on almost any computer or mobile device. Supplement Cohort lessons with virtual instruction to support structured sustainment and enhancement.
  • Targeted proficiency maintenance:
    ILR-aligned lessons fight proficiency drop-off through consistent, level-appropriate engagement.
  • Continuous reporting:
    Program managers and administrators can track and download reports on lesson completion, time on task, and other training metrics.
“We haven’t had a DLPT failure in 170 days, which is a testament that the”  “One of our sub-pro Arabic linguists enrolled in your MSA Cohorts and went from a 1+ on reading to a 3 within 3 months.” “The CL-150 and the Cohorts are an integral part of our Program.”

CL-150 Cohort Features

  • Languages and levels:
    Cohorts are currently available in more than three dozen ILR level and language combinations, ranging from ILR 1+ to 3. For current availability or requests for new Cohorts, contact us.
  • Skill-building activities:
    Lessons are supported by up to two dozen learning activities that build listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency.
  • Mission-relevant domains:
    Cohort lessons are based on recent, authentic sources focused on domains including culture, economy, environment, geography, military, politics, science, security, society, and technology.
  • Major international news event (MINE) lessons:
    As news events warrant, occasional MINE lessons are also regularly distributed to Cohort members.

Want to start receiving a weekly Cohort lesson?

Don't have CL-150 access? Contact us.

CL-150 Cohort Plus Tutoring

Blend Cohort lessons with live instruction to enhance your skills on the job. Cohort Plus Tutoring includes weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions aligned with that week's Cohort lesson.

  • Higher-value face time:
    Completing Cohort lessons before tutoring leads to more productive sessions. Instructors lead communicative, contextual activities that leverage lesson content and build related skills and cultural competencies.
  • More flexibility, less disruption:
    Cohort Plus includes approximately two hours of independent study and one hour of face time per week. Learners can complete both components online—no time, place, or device restrictions that impact job performance.
  • Recommended uses:
    Cohort Plus tutoring is ideal for on-the-job enhancement, DLPT prep, OPI prep, LET warmups, ISO immersion, and more.

Interested in Cohort Plus Tutoring?

Request a Quote

Request a Quote

Please include the following: desired language(s) and level(s), number of students, and expected start date.

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Have questions about CL-150 Cohorts? Let's talk.

Interested in enrolling in CL-150 Cohorts or CohortPlus? Just want to know more? Fill in the form below and we'll reach out soon.