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What We Know or Believe

About Materially Improving the Economics, Logistics and Reliability of Language Training and Sustainment in U.S. Government


What We Know or Believe

Language capability is a critical enabler of USG success, yet the U.S. is chronically less language-capable than our allies and adversaries, resulting in unacceptable risk and severely decreased opportunities. Language is a key dimension of emerging fields of international contention and cooperation, such as cyber and social influence.

Transparent Language's CL-150 Platform ("the CL-150"), is a constantly-evolving, intensely language-centric technology platform. The CL-150 is a budget and effort multiplier for USG language learners, instructors, program administrators, researchers, materials developers and software developers.

Over the last decade, Transparent Language has supported and energetically engaged a wide variety of Intelligence (IC), Defense (DOD) and other USG language programs addressing a broad spectrum of languages, levels, domains, requirements, methodologies and use cases.

In this paper, we will discuss 17 lessons we have learned, including:

  • Declaratively Accelerated Blended Learning (DABL) delivers faster outcomes that more reliably transition to sustainment
  • Technology must be specific to each curriculum
  • Programs need comprehensive reporting to be effective
  • Alphabet, spelling, and typing are a major time and cost opportunity
  • Authoring should be available to all
  • And many more lessons

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