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Irish Survival Phrases

Basic Phrases


Is ea. Yes.

Ní hea. No.

Más é do thoil é. Please.

Go raibh maith agat. Thank you.

Tá fáilte romhat. You're welcome.

Gabh mo leithscéal. Excuse me.

Tá brón orm. I'm sorry.

Dia dhuit ar maidin. Good morning.

Tráthnóna maith agat. Good evening.

Oíche mhaith. Good night.


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Meeting and Greeting

Maith dom mo chuid Gaeilge bhriste. Excuse my poor Irish.

Níl agam ach beagáinín Gaeilge. I only speak a little Irish.

An labhraíonn tú Gaeilge? Do you speak Irish?

An labhraíonn éinne anseo Gaeilge? Does anyone here speak Irish?

Cad is ainm duit? What is your name?

Is mise Bríd. My name is Bríd.

Cén chaoi a bhfuil t? How are you?

Tá mé go maith, go raibh maith agat. I'm fine, thank you.

Tá an-athás orm bualadh leat. I am very glad to meet you.

Ba dheas casadh leat. It was nice meeting you.

Ní thuigim. I don't understand.

Cad a dúirt tú? What did you say?

An miste leat labhairt níos moille? Can you speak more slowly?

Bíodh lá maith agat! Have a nice day!



Dia dhuit ar maidin.

Good morning.


Dia is Muire dhuit féin!

Good morning to you!

Tá Gaeilge agat, bail ó Dhia ort.

You speak Irish, good for you.


Níl agam ach beagáinín Gaeilge.

I'm afraid I only speak a little Irish.

Tá beagán cúthaileachta orm fós faoi bheith á labhairt.

I'm still a little nervous about speaking it.


Mar sin féin, coinnigh ort.

Even so, you should continue.