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How to Select the Right Language-Learning Database for Your Organization

The Right Language-Learning Database for Your Organization

Selecting a language-learning database for your organization can be a daunting task. Unlike an individual language learner, who might pick a program simply on the basis of a friend's recommendation or an attractive ad, institutions must conduct research and cost-benefit analysis to prove that the resource they are looking to buy is, in fact, the best fit for everyone they support.

In this white paper, we will examine some questions you should consider to ensure that you choose a great language-learning database for your organization, including:

  • What languages does the program offer?
  • Does it teach all four core language skills?
  • Does it include all major language components?
  • What is the target proficiency level, length, and depth of learning material included?
  • Does it promote lifelong retention?
  • And more

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